Cries in the night

When I first set out from home

     leaving what I knew behind

setting out into the world

     and being then on my own


one thing I did quickly learn

     a lesson to this day

fast food was limited thing

     I needed to learn to cook


so I went to a store

     and all that is found there

many choices for me to make

     most that I did not know


so I thought that I would buy

     the things that I did know

I could never go wrong

     with peanut butter and jam


so I look till I found the aisle

     where these things are found

I never dreamed there were

     so many types to be found


fruits or berries and honey too

     with sugar or without

and butter of nuts to be had

     so many types there too


smooth or chunky there are

     of every type of nut

long it took to decide

     before I fled that place


as I eat my sandwich now

     and think about my bread!

but that another story is

     I'll not be telling it now



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