
I remember how difficult times were when my parents got divorced. My dad asked us if we wanted a pet, as if this would change the experience that we just had gone through, but it did for my father… not for me though. My brother had this weird idea and told my dad it would be a nice thing to buy some birds, I still think this was stupid, since you can’t pet a bird like a dog or build some kind of relationship with it. This is when my dad got a flashback about how much he used to love birds when he was young. Later on I found out that my dad’s grandmother had a central courtyard in her house, and it was full of birds. A peaceful area surrounded by trees and no stop whistling songs that came from the birds distracted my dad from the outside world. I think that experience cured his problems and felt a strong desire to live those moments again. Days went by, hours plugged to the phone doing his investigation until he finally found the right place and the contacts that would provide what he needed. Once he had his first group of birds, his whole world changed. The thing I remember the most is those rainy cold days of winter when he wasn’t feeling good he would still be there, attentive and ready to give what he was certainly not receiving, love and affection. It seems like he disconnected from everything he was surrounded by and lived in this perfect world and forget about his problems. In a way this was his natural therapy. You can’t imagine how much effort it takes to take care of delicate animals but hard work pays off. He spent every day from sunrise to sunset building his aviary and pampering those lucky birds. My dad’s yellow birds are a reflection of his effort, passion and dedication. Yellow birds in a white room - the bright color that contrasts with the pale background makes almost inevitable to watch them and pay attention to their pose, to the way they sing and how unconscious of our world they are. No matter which season we are in birds sing as loud as they can from sunrise to sunset. Cages and sticks, young and old birds flying freely all over the place, the smell of that freshly cut fruit that completes the natural atmosphere that makes my dad happy. I find out that no matter what happens during my day, the birds never stop singing.  

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