Thoughts of Today: 10/2/2002


Times are changing, as Bob Dylan would say,

Which couldn't be closer to the truth;

We're about to re-invade Iraq any day,

Once again offering up the finest of our youth.

The stock markets are in perpetual freefall,

Powered solely by low profits and high scandal;

TV shows are making fun of themselves this fall,

Hoping to get a better ratings handle.

Politicians are banking on the war debate

To help them win their upcoming elections,

While our Secretaries of Defense and State

Are unsuccessful with their Middle East connections.

Music thieves are trolling the Information Superhighway,

Looking for deals and steals on their favorite tunes,

Without understanding that they're taking away

From legitimate artists' already meagre fortunes.

People are drinking and smoking and driving SUVs,

Creating road rage when there was none before;

But of course, as one naturally does,

Our thoughts turn back to what might be a fool's war...

Now it seems that we may have given Hussein

The very things we may end up killing him for eventually;

Yet it seems fitting, albeit a bit insane,

That we created the monster, and rather successfully.

So as another day ends and a new one begins,

Thoughts of today intertwine with those of tomorrow;

Will the ersatz saints account for their sins,

Or will we be forced to share their ersatz sorrow?

As Scarlet would say,"Tomorrow is another day!"

But every day is both extraordinary and mundane;

"I'm tired of thinking about today", I say:

Now I'm thinking, "Will it be even more insane?"

Patrick Hopkins

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is the first of a series of poems capturing my thoughts on current events, akin to a "poetic journal". Sometimes it helps to vent your frustrations of the world in a way that is clever, witty, and thought-provoking. I hope the readers enjoy this and others in the series.

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