Let Your Inner Light Shine

Beneath the veil of dusky twilight's close,

Where whispers stir in shadows' soft repose,

There lies a light, not seen but ever there,

It shines from within, with tender, earnest care.


In every heart, a lantern's gentle glow,

That conquers dark, and bids the bright to show,

It gleams through deeds, through smiles that warmly spread,

A beacon bright, where silent hopes are led.


Let forth this light, untouched by outer night,

Unveil its power, its undying might,

For in its beam, the purest love is known,

And seeds of kindness generously sown.


So shine, dear soul, with inner light so vast,

Through storms and trials, let it hold steadfast.

In every breath, each moment's tender gift,

May your light shine, and spirits ever lift.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

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