For Freedom

We are so controlled 
that we cannot 
act until we 
are told what to do. 

we've been robbed 
of our 
own human-ness 
by a set of standards 
that no not 
promote liberty. 

we're afraid to 
act as we want to 
for fear of the 
reprisal that 
will surely follow. 

Paranoid people 
looking over 
their shoulders for 
Big Brother or his agents. 

we're told to 
react in the 
correct manner even 
if the correctness 
is wrong for us. 

The whole trip of 
society is to play 
various games 
with each other in order 
to survive. 

Instead of being people, 
just human beings, 
we end up as 
robots echoing 
the same agreements. 

Indignant over an 
issue we gather 
together and yet 
we run when get 
ordered to disperse. 

What really can 'they' do 
if everyone 
just refused to 
 go along with them?

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