
I'm sick and tired of hearing about 'love'.

I don't believe in it and never will.

It turns my stomach to hear everyone spout

About the wine and roses - just so much swill!

All these dumb stories about 'love eternal'

Are the figments of frequent, sad yearnings.

Spare me your hearts and your singing violins,

The feverish 'love' that keeps on burning!

Practicalities are all that really count;

All any lover really wants is sex.

The romance is in the mind of the woman

And any 'love' comes with a giant hex!

Is she clean and chaste and very hardworking?

Is she amenable to doing my will?

If she is young, and very beautiful too

Then, oh yes, she would really fit my bill!

Does he have a good job and is he stable?

Will he take care of me the way I wish?

Can he also do the odd jobs around here,

Has teeth, has hair? Oh yeah, he's quite a dish!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about 'love'.

I don't believe in it and never will.

It turns my stomach to hear everyone spout

Of 'love's' eternity - just so much swill!

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