@ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; Love Poem For K-Cute At College, During Freshman Year

"Begin with the scent of sandalwood (a candle's, and the

"soap with which you showered this morning).  Then fragrance and

"flavors:  of your semi-sheer socks, which you did not remove

"before we made love, and the sweetness of confected in your core,

"delivered to me during the intense pleasure of your e'lation

"(uninhibited by imposed pruderies, or haters' prejudice); and

"Jack, in appreciative awe of your beauty, has remained silent."


Author's Notes/Comments: 

The speaker of the poem has graciously allowed me to versify the words of one of his lovenotes to his boyfriend, known on campus and on the c.b. as K-Cute.  An exchange student from South Korea, his presence in the speaker's life severely aggravated the speaker's presence---both because the speaker and K-Cute were homosexuals, and because the latter was neither American nor Caucasian.  I am happy to say that the parents have long been forgotten, their tombstone never decorated on Memorial day, and the speaker and K-Cute are still together, a long time since their freshman year began in September of 1980.

The character Jack is a sound, not a person, included as a humorous clue to a repeated verbal custom of mine.

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