Rain down on me plays in you like a scared child rocking in the corner



Your eyes show you care but your actions are withdrawn from the room we share

Like her hallowed state of existence has scarred you to stone

A weeping angel playing hide and seek with me

Angrily touching me back to your past to be compared to her

To become her

Find all the ways I am her so you can justify your need to flee

I am a woman worth committing to

You are a man who fears commitment

Together we are foolish laughter upon pillows

Worrisome over thinking upon the silence

Beauty unwrapping itself around my fingers

Passing through this pen onto paper to avoid writing on your heart

A poet becoming less poetic

A distance becoming less apart

Separate we are our own issues

Pasts ravelling into futures to be knitted into warmth

Together we are laughter unfolding

Apart we are smiles awaiting laughter

In my bed we are light hearted lovers

On this page

Hyperbole of self



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