Relationships are compromise (I am so fucking done with you)


You know what body BRING IT ON!
Consider this my declaration of war
So get triggered every single day
Stop breathing when we pass his house on the bus ride home from school
Increase your heart rate every time someone mentions rape in class
Shake when you feel overwhelmed by the number of bodies in a room
Feel his hands run along your sides, resting at your hips, his dick pulsing inside you
Do what ever the fuck you want
But just so you know
I am the strongest soul to ever walk this earth
And I am writing that Goddamn essay
Reading the last 100 pages of 1984, violent sexuality and all
Presenting the wisdom of Mandela to the ENTIRE philosophy class
Deciding how we feel about Bill C-10
Writing that 5 paragraph paper on how to solve the problem of rape, yes body, RAPE
And I am passing BOTH my exams with flying colours
So get as mean and dirty and low with your triggers as you feel you must
But I am succeeding in school with or without your help
So if you have a problem with how over this I want us to be
Then you can take it up with God when we’re both dead
( the way.. God doesn’t exist)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

and that is how I feel about my body after it has spent a week deciding that we should regress back to physical flash of these days I will be able to throw it infront of a bus and get a new one

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