We'll Always Have Tomorrow

So many landmarks have already changed,

Ideas uprooted, contemplated, tossed.

Along this road, yes, so much rearranged,

But the two of us will never be lost.

Years keep passing me like children on a playground,

Familiar sights running frantically then one day gone.

Still, nothing could take away the comfort I’ve found –

Your love is often the one true thing I can count on,

And so too is mine for you. Do you have power to see?

Wherever life takes you it will take me as well.

My love for you is rooted deeper than that mighty oak tree,

The one that’s stood firm through storms when others fell –

Hearts are etched at its base

Time will never erase.

We haven’t a need for any doubt or sorrow

Because you and I, we’ll always have tomorrow.

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