The Rock


I had to swim against the current once more -
It was either that or not survive. 
Now I understand what I was fighting for
And I am happy to be alive.

My senses did not fail -
I was drawn in the right direction.
Now I can exhale 
Upon your Mecca of protection. 

Voices urged me to let myself drown 
As I treaded water in the darkest place,
But yours pushed past them to calm me down 
And deliver me back to the human race.

Watch me break out the stalls -
I won’t ever cower again
Facing red skies and squalls,
Even the cruelty of man.

I almost gave in to the rip tide,
Allowed it to hasten the hands of the clock.
I could have drifted, I could have died,
But all I really needed was you, the rock.

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