04. Heading South

05. 21 (07.24.08)

I feel the sun caress my skin,
The wind against my face.
I'm headfirst toward my bliss,
My own special place.
I hear the caws of seagulls,
The calm of ocean tides,
The laughter of children on carnival rides.
Cotton candy kisses taste as good as they look.
Bright lights sparkle from way on high.
It seems as though Merlin himself shook his wand,
Conjuring for us the mind's eye
Of an innocent child,
Bringing to life his wistful dreams
Of what a perfect day could be.
I stroll down the alleyways and cross the streets,
Not really partaking but never forsaking
All this scenery we live within.
I wade about the waterfall of memories,
The avalanche of flurries
That hit my tongue and dissolve.
My senses come alive and I live again,
Remembering what it was to be a boy of 10.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written July 2008.

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