06. Me, Myself and I

In this place and time it's "me, myself and I."

It's the credo you've adopted so don't deny.

Cut off someone in traffic? Go ahead!

Why should any thoughts of guilt fill your head?

Being cutthroat to get to the top?

For what on Earth should you ever stop?!

In this culture you'll incur no flack.

What statement or action need you retract?

You're just pursuing the dream every day.

Who cares about those crushed along the way?

That's only for those with tender hearts

And you lack even essential parts.

While mem'ries of kindness catch dust on the shelf

You would sooner go blind than see past yourself.

So don't forget to keep reaching high -

It's all about "me, myself and I."

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written May 2006.

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