
I think he left. Been looking for him for a while now.

As long as I can remember. I can't say I ever knew him.

Not sure what he looks like.

Not sure his age or business.

Hell, not sure if he's real or mythical.

Like the monsters our parents never found under our beds.

But they didn't look in the right place.

We can only perceive the physical form of "dark".

Under a bed where the nightmares hide.

In the closet, where at a young age something watched you falling asleep until blinded by the sun the next day.

The dark we can't physically perceive or even comprehend.

The colour black that lives in your head.

The monsters real hiding place.

They were wrong.

The parents.

There were monsters.

There still are.

Hiding, afraid of only the light.

And not the morning sunrise that relieved you at a young age.

You know the light I mean.

He's who I'm looking for.

I miss being 5.

Believing the monsters lived only in the dark of my bedroom while I slept.

They were never there.

They were in a darker place I was too young to understand.

They were in my head.

While I slept, and when I ate breakfast and went to school the mornings that followed.

Slowly eating my conscience.

Enjoying every bite.

Chewing slowly.

I know they're there now.

As I can feel the damage.

The non physical blackness in my head I can't see.

But he's there.

I hear people see you before they die.

Does that make you and dark the same thing?

Do I adopt the dark and see the light?

Or deny you both.


Where are you my friend.

I'll buy you a beer in hell.