
My Quotes

"Writing in itself is an art. The paper your canvas, the pencil your paintbrush, and you are the artist. It doesn't have to an actual image to paint a picture in one's mind of what you see."

"There's always going to be an if in life, there's always going to be doubt, mistakes, regret, and guilt but if you can keep your imagination for as long as possible then suddenly the world becomes a better place."

"My life would be nothing without you. You are the reason I keep moving on and you're what makes me feel alive. Without you I don't know how different my life would have been, but I don't intend to find out."

"Sometimes it's the worst of times that makes you a better person because it's those that we realize helped us become who we are in the end."

"I hate how people think that because they don't like school and they don't like being there that they aren't going to try and they fail or they end up quitting. That's not the way to look at it, you should think that you want to get out of there so badly so you should keep trying and do the best you can and soon enough you'll be done. This is a skill you can use in anything; it's all about being positive and thinking about the future."

"Sometimes I honestly wonder if everything you go through in life is worth it, but then I think well why would I have been given this life if it was never worth it to begin with. Life isn't supposed to be torturous; it's supposed to be something you enjoy, but in order to do so you need the bad to appreciate the good."

"Sometimes crying is like a good rain, it washes away all the dirt and filth. It could last a little while or a long time, but in the end the sunshine returns. But it was something that was needed and will happen every now and then but no matter what, the sunshine will always come back." ~Said by my Daddy

"If you feel like giving up, don't forget that somewhere along the way it was worth it to smile and it was worth it to laugh and there was a reason for it all, so remember the good and keep it close to your heart because it will be your conscience one day."

"Hopeless sorrows and desperate tomorrows await a new day to live in the sunshine for a moment and forget that there was a frown on your face."

"It's survival of the fittest when it comes to life in general, everyone does it, until you come to the point when you're in love.. If you really love that someone you'd be willing to die for them, that's the only true love there is."

Author's Notes/Comments: 

These are most of the quotes that I've written on my own. I will keep this updated because I would like to have a lot and I'll possibly use some from people that are some of my favorite famous quotes.

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