Destiny Sojourners (A tribute to African Migrants)

From the shores of Africa

The land of untapped opportunities

They all fled, not all made it though

Many died in the arid desert

Others prey to ocean fishes

Driven by wars, poverty and abject squalor

Then unjust causes

Acts of man's inhumanity to man

seeking in the face of grave danger

New hope and progress

To the human race

Unlike the slave of old

None was forced out in chains

Yet everywhere they are in chains

chains of lack and shelter

Chains of destitution

Chains of insecurity

Hunted at home and abroad

Sleepless nights of tears

Oh| the wretch of the earth


Don't kick them out beloved

Accept them to your fold

For all men are strangers on earth

All are but Flowers of grass

To them a helping hand lend

Be a bridge builder

Like George Washington Carver

Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela

And place your name in the annals of history

Be a Dorcas, be another mother Theressa

Man is never happy, except when he gives happiness unto another

Teach her how to bake bread

Give him a fishing net

So that they can put a meal on their table

And a place to lay their head


Dejected but not forsaken sojourners arise

Destiny sojourners arise and shine

For your light is come.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is just a tribute to suffering African migrants in foreign lands,first presented to a head of a city council in Europe in one of the cities of the European union not quite long ago.

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