

Often I question my mere existance and the butterfly effect i have on the rest of the world
How much damage have i caused without my knowledge or how much more will i in advertently cause and does my thinking about it cause even more  
They say a pictures worth a thousand words but only ask a penny for your thoughts  how valuable are those thousand words then ? Time will only tell
What will time only tell us and  what does time sound like,thats as crazy as you'll know it when you hear it  if that was true why would i have even asked
it means to me that youve nevr heard it so you have no idea what it sounds like your just saying what someone else told you which means they don't know either
Drowning deep in this inner rage trying to find sanity in a insane world that claims its sane but only finding droplets of yet even more questions wondering why being like the wind is considered to be odd or wrong if it feels as secure to me as having roots does to others
Why is everybody else so concerned about my soul if im not concerned about it  when asked today what i wanted to with myself as far as work and future my automatic response was  enjoy my life and my freedom by doing what i choose  
Which lead to these thoughts
Deep inside my self i hide the pain hiding emotions i feel under a false smile  going through the actions that make others feel comfortable but being uncomfortable in myself  till i find others who who share the same place as im sure they must exist  there have got to be others who tire of hiding behind the existance of life and are dealing with the same depressing feeling i deal with day to day  and have found some relief some how and want to share it



Author's Notes/Comments: 

just random daily thoughts  if you feel dumber after reading them its ok

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