"Unspoken Feelings"


There was no way to describe the way you made me feels
It’s almost as if the whole thing had been surreal
The twinkle in your eyes never wanting to say goodbye
The perfect smile on your face you were truly an amazing grace
I've seen you in my dreams both day and night
I've seen your heavenly face in the starry twilight
You voice still rings in my ear
The only voice I still long to hear
I just we could have been together every second of every day
You appeared to take my troubles completely away
You were the only women I wanted
Deep in my heart I still love you
But now you’re gone and I must move on
Hoping you loved me too
I'm so in love with you ...
But just telling you don’t begin to express the passionate way you make me feel
Let me show you what’s in my heart as our hands, our lips, and our bodies meet
Let me surround you within my love
Let me dispel any doubts and fulfill any hopes and dreams you may
Have about my desire for you...
Let me show you what mere words could never say.

Author's Notes:


posted on 2004/03/25 - 04:13

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