"Love Without"


I want to love you without Clutching
    Appreciate you without Judging
          Join you without Invading
        Invite you without Demanding
          Have you without Guilt
     Critizize you without Blaming
          Help you without Insulting

      If I can have the same from you,
          Then we can truely meet
           and enrich each other


posted on 2004/11/17 - 23:33

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Author's Notes:
am not sure there is such a thing as an "ideal" relationship. There are so many different relationships that can be considered as ideal, that is hardto pinpoint it down to one type. However, compatibility is a must for me. I believe a good relationship is built on honesty and trust. I need someone I can talk to, someone who will tell me about her day And what's new in her life. Someone who likes to go out and do things but also likes to have quiet evenings as well. What I've learned from my past relationships: That a relationship needs communication in order to survive. I've learned that it takes two to make a relationship work, the art of compromise and cannot all be one sided

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