"I Never Thought ..."


I never thought my life would be this rough
I never thought noises could mean so much
I never thought about listening through vibrations feeling
I never thought I'd lose my hearing
I never thought someone would take this away
I never thought I'd love someone who took it away  
I never thought someone would die for me
I never thought I'd be deaf
I never thought he'd be so precious to me
I never thought I'd be so happy go lucky
I never thought there'd be things I couldn't do
I never thought About the music I played on the piano
I never thought I could play like I still do
I never thought I'd know who loved me best
But I do
His name is Jesus
And I know through him I'll hear again

posted on 2005/10/01 - 21:35

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Rewritten by me from the content given to me from a Karen Tilson  was ideas but not any structure to it when it was recieved  but she liked the end result and she holds the only other copyrights on this  

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