What am I

What am I

What am I

That’s the question I ask myself

Also get ask by others

Sincerely I don’t know

Some times I don’t care

A beast that’s what some say

Others say I was a mistake

An incident

That I posses a cold heart

Venom in my body path ways  

Others say i'm the best

The greatest

That no one cant compare to me

The alpha male in the wild

Just to have this thought

Up rages me in side

But some are right

I am a beast I guess

A beast when it comes to  what I love

What I care about

Its true am the greatest mistake

But they only know

They know the cause

But now to late

They don’t know what I have grown into

At first all I receive was rejection


They pleaded my demise

I ask my creator shall I forgive

But I don’t know if am that man to forgive

That man that let all aside and start all

Over again

And many ask why

Why has my mid muscle turned cold?

Why is it harder than a diamond stone?

I don’t know why

Guess for what I been through

To other my royalty comforts

Helping me get rid of this venom

At least for a wile

No more beasts

But ill be in peace

Thanking my creator

Form putting them in my path

Because with out them I don’t know were I would be

What else will I be

But for now I am what I am

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