down to the highlands

I'm goin' down to the highlands


goin' down to walk among the shades

between the ferns

around the trees outside the house of Lot


And I'll stand beneath the window of the blue eyed pretty girl that time forgot


I'm takin’ down the cathedral


takin’ down the flag up on the pole

I'll take it down

because all its meaning is lost


I'll give it to the weary and the cold to keep their bones safe from frost


I'm gonna take them all fishing


I'll sail with them among the waves

beneath the storm

ride it out until the water is still


then we'll pull up our nets and every woman child and man will eat their fill


I'll talk to every person


tell everyone to take their time

wait their turn

just relax and let it all unfold


I'll walk among the strangers, the beaten the neglected, sick, and old


we're gonna ride to new Salem


ride into town and see what’s up

among the people

hard of heart and lost in fear


I'll tell them all I know every line whether or not they wanna hear


They likely won't understand me


won't appreciate it when I say

that all they have

all they love will one day all just disappear


they'll track me down and drag me in and some poor random jerk will lose his ear


They'll put me on trial


they'll say whatever they need to say

to justify


and then they'll haul me away


I'll say it doesn't matter but they'll nail me up and leave me for a day


then you can tell the story


tell the story of a man

who did what any other



or man could do


then you'll forget the meaning, twist it round and make it serve only you. 

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