The loss of the perfect world

At the beginning of time, in a dense forest, the platypus, the bear, the fish and the seal were guided by the wise otter with the intention of maintaining a graceful world where everyone lived in peace and harmony. All the creatures in the forest had everything they needed, the world was in complete peace. One night a baby otter forgot to hold hands with his mother before sleep. He floated away from the herd and when he woke up he found himself way down the river and as he was swimming back, he saw the bear eating salmons while they were asleep and when the bear saw the baby otter, he ran away and hide himself. The baby otter was terrified because he had never seen someone so evil and so coward in his life. The seal was floating around and having fun when he saw the baby otter terrified all by himself, he rapidly went with him.

   -What happened, why are you here all by yourself?

   -The bear!, the bear has eaten the salmon while they were asleep!

The seal didn´t believed the baby otter, in their perfect graceful world there were not such things as that, so he took him back with his mother and he forgot about what the baby otter told him earlier. Later at night, that same day, the bear rapidly approached the river where all the animals lived, he was very worried and scared, when he was close enough all the platypus, the seal, the otter and the fish saw that his coat was not longer brown and beautiful, instead he had red hairless patches, his hair had become dull and he was very itchy, none of the animals knew what was that, they were all intrigued so the bear ran away realizing that they weren't capable of helping him.

A few days after the incident of the bear, the animals were all gather together waiting only for the platypus. After several hours of waiting they decided to go and look for him, they found him laying down with a terrible aspect.

    -What has happened, what did you do? asked the otter

The platypus was feeling so sick he didn´t wanted to talk but yet he did, something good inside him still remained.

- I was just walking by the lake looking for some food when I saw a warren full of delicious food so I just eat it.

The animals didn´t know what to say, in their world they were all honest and they didn´t still anything from anybody. The otter started thinking about the incidents, the bear and now the platypus when he finally came to a conclusion.

- The bad things we do make us get sick. said the otter - every time we do something that we know it´s wrong that brother or sister is punished by getting a disease. We have to stop doing wrong things or else we are going to destroy the world we now know.

After the last incident, all the animals were warned but still they did wrong things, they become dishonest and selfish. After that day, the world was never the same, every day a new disease appeared and every day it appeared with more strength until the diseases had the power to spread.


The moral of the story is that nothing good comes after doing dishonest things, every bad action has its bad consequence.

By: Rocío Leal and Diego Góngora




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