Show Your BIG Assets

Meeting the Whole Erotic Universe. We need to show the world what we got.No dildo but more new sex Graphic motto.You better make us thirsty.His voice got way oversexed winning a ticket in Lotto above her sexy whisper. He could almost feel her hot lusty legs to do her.Harder with lust bend over breathing with her hot tongue she was ready for the deep sex lounge.Get me some Sardi spicy shrimp.This is not, the Canadian Big cups,  and Pimp's playing hockey.I'm Mr big, we are supposed to be horny make it the big print everyone will see it.Ripley's or not he will believe it your huge. How she looks so ripe as a cherry. But he rather watches his sports game's with hot Sherry. Mr sporty shorts eating lips of her bud. This isn't your fun place of pansies in North Carolina. Those big assets going deep like a mob hit inside her hot bullet drips. How her mouth Holy Damn flow's and melts his water. And he loves to dip his ranch. I would love to hang right near his erotic tree branch.The Christmas tree his balls silk layers of me.Sex Goddess well gold is going up just dip her, 69 shades to strip her gold finger maybe you used, it too many times. So many erotic gigs. I just sway her and thrust her on my cravat. That Jimmy Durante, he got something big O-M-G like the mystical Hobbit his whopper is Huge.He got far his Elephant nuts. What sluts and waking up cock's, the men were like sex planters went like a vacuum cleaner by the docks. Planting erotic seeds inside her. He needed to cover up his low pants spy mess. Pinocchio you are a screw-head she's wearing her temptress dress. What a sharp cheese nose on her panty prints, all over her soiled bed. People will stare, no hints are rippling in her sexual desirable mind.Get a better grip big dipper how you love her from behind your rising star. Buying the whole cow moo by far Seamen shake. She knows how to hold what she wants together.Her hand's have a certain magic Genie how she rubs him. He's stockbroker sex slam on the make double damn. How she pleases him. So Contagious all he does have sex on his vacation.

Please is someone reading this whose next? Am I on another sex mission?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is erotically cool and a comedy please enjoy

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