My Grandfather's Berets


My grandfather is a bald man. He has always used different berets to protect his bald head. Because he is a bald man, he has had many different berets to cover his head as much as he can. Whether it was sunny or cloudy, whether he was eating or singing, he always had one of his berets, to hide his bald head. He loved wearing berets so much, they kind of gave him a different touch. Three, four, or five was the number of berets he used to take on trips, but six, seven or eight was the number with which he returned. He used to hang his favorite beret in his closet, but that was until our dog spot it! I had never saw my grandpa so angry, he used to love that beret so badly. I remember once we all went on a trip, one of his berets flew away from the ship. He was really really sad, or thinking about it, maybe he was mad. My grandfather used to take my cousins and me to the park to play, but that was until one of his berets ended up turning from red to gray. I never really understood my grandfather’s addiction with his berets, I guess I always thought it was just kind of a phase. What was the most amazing thing about everything related to his berets, was that he wore a different one every single day. One of the girls in my neighborhood used to call him the beret man, that was because he always used as many berets as he can. The quantity of berets I have seen him with is really unsettling, it has lead me to believe that they are what my mother will someday be inheriting. Many of my friends have met my grandpa and they told me what they thought about him, it was really an interesting thing. They told me they thought he was kind of crazy, but they also thought that he was kind of amazing. My grandfather’s berets made him become so popular, he ended up thinking he really looked spectacular. That was until my grandmother bought him a really nice cap, now he left berets out of the map. My grandfather leaving berets as part of his past made me really sad, he even gave some of them to my dad. I will always think of my grandpa as a beret wearing man, I really hope wearing them again is part of his plan. 


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