Purple Roses


You always bring me roses on the week end. Never miss a single one.
This time the week end has come and gone, and as for roses, I had gotten none.
So you bring me purple roses on a Monday, so very lovely I don’t know what to say.


Purple roses, a treat for your eyes and noses, you can bring me purple roses every day.

The red ones tell me that you love me. The yellow tell me you are my friend.
The black ones are the ones for when you’re dying. So give me purple roses once again.

The week end and roses are tradition, tradition ,between you and me.
So when you want to know which ones are my favorite, the purple roses are the ones for me.

So you bring me purple roses on a Monday, so very lovely I don’t know what to say.

Purple roses, a treat for your eyes and noses, you can bring me purple roses every day.

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