My cousin´s gameboy

My youngest cousin is just 10 years old but all the way since I remember him, it is not possible to see him out of his house not having his Gameboy. It is not the same Gameboy as the one 6 or 7 years ago, but he always had the most new available. I remember the one that he is using now, it is the one that has two screens, it has a dark blue color but now it has many gray stripes because of all the hits and falls it has had. Whether his mom and dad always insisted him to leave that thing in the house, he always founded a way in which he can take this famous video game device to other places and use it. During the family reunions all the Sundays in the house of my grandparents, you always can find him playing in the room were all the cousins are watching the TV, during the barbecues my family makes sometimes he always plays meanwhile all the other members of the family are talking. All the Christmas dinners we have made, he is just playing the Gameboy at the room were the Christmas tree is with all the other cousins waiting for the time we exchange gifts and he can now open his new game. Also he comes to my house most of the weekends and a lot of days during the vacations period to play soccer or other things with my little brother and me, there is not a day that he arrives without his Gameboy and plays it when my brother and I are busy. I have seen him play lots of different kinds of games, beginning with a lot of Mario´s games, other common games like cars, etc, and finally all the pokemon games that have been on the market. He had told me that he had finished all the games, I remember one time when he show how he had advance the game and then 1 month later he had create a new game because he was bored. He now do not wants to come to my house because he knows that if my father founds him playing the thing he is going to take it away.

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