Finish Line

Finish Line


On a rainy day in Brownsville, five hundred cyclists started their hundred-mile race at six o clock in the morning. It was a long way to the finish line but every single cyclist was feeling willing and ready to make it to the end. The first fifty miles were perfect, it hadn’t rained as the news reporters had said and the whole five hundred cyclists were still together in a group.  Suddenly, a man in the middle of the crowd, started to feel extremely tired and started to lose his balance. He was desperately yelling at his friend for help, he was feeling as if he was going to faint. Unfortunately, nobody stopped to help because no one heard him crying for help, not even his friend. A few minutes later the man fell unconscious and was left alone in the streets of Brownsville.


The whole group of cyclists continued their way to the finish line, by the 80th mile they were exhausted but they kept going until they made it to the end. When they finally arrived to their destination they were thrilled to have finished the race. While everyone was receiving their medal, a man started shouting urgently. He was looking for his friend, he had no idea he had fallen in the middle of the race and was left there, unconscious. The man went to the director of the race and asked for help to search for his friend. The director, very scared, assigned an ambulance and a police officer to go through the whole route of the race.


The ambulance, the police officer and the man started their way to find the man’s friend, they followed the same route the cyclists did in the race. They passed the first fifty miles and didn’t find anyone, they felt hopeless but they knew that they had another fifty miles to hopefully find him. They passed the sixty-mile mark and nothing. Seventy miles and still nobody. Suddenly, when they were eight miles away from the finish line they saw a man in a bike. At first they didn’t think it was the man they were looking for, but as they got closer they realized it was him. The ambulance stopped a few meters in front of the cyclist and his friend got down of the car and started waving his hands at him. The cyclist was pale, out of breath and completely exhausted.


“Get in the car, you look dead.” He told his friend.

“No way, I’m finishing this race.”


The man knew there was no way of convincing him to give up, so instead, he got in his bike and followed his friend all the way to the finish line.



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