Petals on loose lips

So many loves in the world,

dead or alive they are all connected.

So many loose lips that have curled,

All the lies i have rejected.

I am love, i am loss, i am the one who forged the cost,

for lovers hearts to be turned to moss.

I am the music that holds you back,

im the hearts that turns you black.

Evil, to life. ,Loving to loss.

Tears of hatred is my cost.

And when you find me let me know.

where the petals are for it might snow.

upon the land i come from yes, home.

But this isnt land and don't you know.

That man made books, but a book makes a man.

for a hearts a complicated thing, try to understand.

that i dont do this for the money, i collect love it doesnt cost a penny.

and though i am a borrowless stanger, dont worry im not in danger.

if you wish to find me make a plan, for i have cut of my lips so lies no longer land.


Lies upon loose lips

By RedCatcha

Author's Notes/Comments: 

RedCatcha hopes you find your happiness and never feel down i love you all and hope you have a wonderful time reading some, most hell even one of my poems, it makes me happy. :)

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