THE GREAT AH HA! (a writers creed)

By KK Ryder © 1998--Inspired by Pamela Phillips Oland - Author of "The Art Of Writing Great Lyrics" and "The Art OF Writing Love Songs" (Allworth Press)

The Great Ah Ha !

I keep having these great ah ha’s

but no songs seem to appear

I’m writing fast like I know I should

but then it disappears

I’m tryin all the tricks of the trade

like skippin vowels

I’ve written so many words

I’m even out of paper towels

I’ve written on pt, tp, matchbooks and bar coasters too

excuse me what was that you said

I wasn’t trying to ignore you

I have all these words and rhyming lines

the great ah ha is what it’s called

sometimes they clutter my mind

and don’t let me think at all

I reject lyric after lyric

I scribble it out and throw it away

but then the next line seems to catch

I scribble it down and make my say

I’ll sit here in the tub with my glass of wine

if the great ah ha trys to strike

then I’ll catch that line

I just turned on the radio

can you imagine that

someone’s rakin in the dough

on my ah ha, oh that dirty rat

Well that just goes to show

anyone can catch a line

but the one that runs and gets it done

is the winner every time

You know what I’m talking about

you poets and song writers out there

the ideas are floating all around

just play catch me if you dare

If your writing from your heart

and there are tears streaming down your face

be bold, let a piece of your soul

become part of the human race

Don’t be so critical, not every line is right

stick it away for another day

or in the middle of the night

If you feel like hanging it up

you will never ever know

how good it feels to be rewarded

for letting your great ah ha show !


Author's Notes/Comments: 

If You read the books mentioned...You will AMAZE even your inner "MUSE!"

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