Soul Walk


A path winds through a forest,
not hard but rather easy, simple.
At one point it winds on a cliff.

Below a little river, babbling,
as if always calling
Come, come be at peace with me.
And trees sway in the breeze of content.
You stop and observe.

A bug lands on your shoulder
telling you don't stop, go on
then leaves.
You continue walking
natures breeze cooling you down
as the trail gets harder.

You pause to rest again,
He returns,
Here, here is your soul.
A ball of pure light appears.
This is you soul he tells you.
It is pure and innocent, then once again
he leaves.

You walk with you soul,
learning about yourself.
The river now closer is so appealing.
You dive in,
the water is cool and feels like a thousand hands
just pulling the stress and tension away.

You soul leaves bu you know it will
always be with you.

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