Never Known


There are many things I do not know,

Higher math, Chemistry, How to build a house for example.

This does not bother me like some do.

I accept that there are things in this world I am not going to or meant to know.

And maybe I should accept that I am not going to or meant to know these others as well.

But part of me fights hard to believe that I should and will know what it is like to be in love.

What it is like to do something completely illogical because of someone else.

And what it is like to completely devote yourself to someone else.

I am 33 at the time writing this I have yet to fall in love with someone.

I have yet to know that moment when you look at someone and know that they hold your future.

To feel their embrace.

All this and more is all I desire in this world.

Not a high paying job,

A nice car or cars,

A big fancy house.

 None of it.

All I want is that special person to call my love.


There is a part of me that is growing day by day.

and a part of me that is shrinking.

The growing part is the voice that tells me I will never know them.

The shrinking part is the other, the one that gives me hope that one day

my dreams will come true.



Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written on: 10/22/2014

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