"no means no"

Life Poems

"no means no"

you saw her

she was looking so fine

wearing that red dress

sipping on white wine

her smile to you looked so inviting

so you walked over

she seem to glow, looking enlighten

you had to know her name

had to get her number in writing

you asked her

but she said politely no

so you went away

and you watched her go

but your fuming now

you wanted her bad

the thought of her saying no

is making you mad

so you follow her

out to her car

you lurk in the shadows

you stay back far

then you make

the decision to

rape her

to wrongly touch

and violate her

so you grab her

as she screams no

but you won't stop

you won't let her go

you finish your ugly deed

then zip up and leave her for dead

she lays there bleeding

crying, holding her head

but no means no

she got your description

even your address

cause you dropped you prescription

now your going to prison

cause she lived

now you will know how she felt

for one night of torment you gived

not only that

because you decided to pursue

your angry lust

she's going to sue

going to take all that you have

everything you earn

pressing license plates

sicko's like you never learn

but now's she's all alone

trapped inside her head

unfortunately thinking of you

and all that you did

she will never be

who she use to be

you have destroyed her

visions of you is all she see's

forever taunted

by your unprovoked action

no meant no

your death will be her only satisfaction

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