Mal Intent

Dark Wanderings

I sit, reeling in disbelief and shock

at the bold misrepresentations,

choking on the spewed exaggerations

and audacious discriminations.

In the blatant twisting of truth

They scurry to take soul refuge.

and numb, I wonder when "honorable"

was sacrificed to egocentric subterfuge...

Indeed hell hath no fury

as the scorned refuse to see

beyond the realm of injured pride

and gargantuan caches of vanity.

Ironic that truth can deeply hurt

when what is hidden is revealed...

and actions speak far more than words

to bare what is artfully concealed.

Striking out in defensive stance

immersed in inane attempts to deceive,

they lose themselves in casting stones

and in their fantasies, do believe.

It seems the definition of forever

blurs in the hypocrisy of spite

as effusive words of true love

are bandied into something trite.

Mere weapons to stab into the heart

with vile and murderous intent

and poisoned darts of malice fly

cloaked in sweetest message sent.

White washed lies sparkle bright

in today's newest delusional sun

as it glibly coats traces of guilt

in sugary lace of angelic words spun.

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