
Scribbles on Life

Gazing up at a bright summer sky.

Clouds forming pictures as they drift by.

A bird's graceful flight as it soars so high.

Feeling the sea breeze blow through my hair.

Seeing the gentle waves reflect the sun's glare.

Inhaling the brisk saltiness of the ocean air.

Raindrops falling on the leaves of the trees.

Beating out a tempo of natural melodies.

A sound that never fails to put me at ease.

An evening walk under heavenly light.

The luminescent moon glowing in the night.

The glory of stars twinkling ever bright.

People I meet that touch me in some way,

By things that they do or things that they say.

Human emotions felt by all, every day.

So many things in life spark my imagination.

Fact or fantasy, to these I owe dedication.

From all these, I draw my inspiration.

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