He sucked at Pac-man

When my cousin played Pac-man in the eighties, he really sucked.

He tried and tried to improve but he was out of luck.

He constantly got ate by the ghosts and it always made him cry.

He wet his pants in front of people and it embarrassed him so much that it made him want to die.

He stunk so bad at Pac-man that he couldn't even reach the first intermission.

One day when he lost, he got mad and made a bad decision.

He smashed the screen with a big rock and he went to jail.

He seriously regretted it when they locked him in a cell.

After they put my cousin in the tank, things got even more grim.

He nearly tore the celldoor off when his cellmate threatened to rape him.

He recently bought a Pac-man machine of his own.

He doesn't like wetting his pants in front of people so he plays it all alone.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is a fictional poem

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