Stone cold heart

Last year I did something that was really mean.

I kicked out my daughter who was only fifteen.

When she told me that she was pregnant, compassion wasn't what she received.

I told her to pack her bags and leave.

She was all alone with no shelter and that wasn't right.

She froze to death on a cold winter night.

I had become a monster with a stone cold heart.

When I was asked to identify her body, I thought it wouldn't bother me but it tore me apart.

The image of her cold lifeless body is burned into my brain.

I don't want to live because I'm in a great deal of pain.

She was helpless and I turned my back on her when she needed me the most.

I know that I'll go to hell and I know that I'll roast.

When I look in the mirror, I see a man who doesn't deserve to live.

If I live to be a hundred, I'll be the only person who I'll never be able to forgive.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is a fictional poem

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