Your Halloween Costume

You hide always behind a false face

Once a year never enough

U seek to gain thu lies and clever deceptions

Rancid with the stench of your secret shameful sin


How do you live with yourself?

A question we all are dying for you to answer

Lingering always near where you believe the most easy prey lives

Lost your soul so long ago that you have forgotten what it was like to even have one

Entered into a pact with the devil that you can never run from

Eternally damned by your own harsh hand

Nowhere now to go but down deeper to burn in that everlasting Hellfire


Caught in deception's cruelest web

One day too late maybe you'll come to regret

Soul searching but never again finding that missing peace

Troublemaker whose time soon comes due

U cannot hope to escape forever the destiny of justice

Make haste now to try and repent while you can still can

Even if a postive outcome for you remains.....


Highly doubtful


2022 Ramona Thompson Felton

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