The Bon Ouija Countdown To Halloween


The search is on

Best of the best please step forward

On this stage beside us is your destiny

Never hide the rock star you are deep down inside


Open to all talent all over

Use what you got and show us you have

What it takes to make it

Joy, true joy never holds back

And so now let the music of your true soul shine thru


Consumed by it let yourself be

Open to new and grander adventures than you have ever before known

U have every right to grab for that brass ring known as fame

Now is your time to break on thru to that other side

Take down the evil of rap in the name of almighty heavy metal

Don't let this dream die

Owe it to yourself and the world at large to at least try

Won't you give at least two minutes to pitch to you our idea?

Never know what you're missing if you don't at least listen


Take it to the limit and then don't be afraid to go beyond

On your shoulders is a legend to build and carry on


Heavy mental and physical work this will require to make it work

And we know you can do it

Let go of your doubts

Let go of your stage frights

Over and over tell yourself it's gonna be ok until it is

Where are your guts?

Enter them here into this contest of the very toughest and best

Entertain thoughts only of winning

Never ever losing


As the search marches forever in....


The Bon Ouija countdown to Halloween


2019 Ramona Thompson/Bon Ouija

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