Mom Please Stop


You took my life,

You burned my future,

You pushed them away,

Any one who meant anything to me,

And then you turn,

Expecting me to stand by your side,

Why can't we be a normal family?

One full of love,

One with a mother, a father and siblings,

Instead of everything but!?

The day you left Dad,

Was the worst day of my life,

I saw everything mom,

I heard every word,

That horrible day, my last day,

In a full normal family,

Mom why can't I be loved,

Why do I feel so alone?

People that you bring into my life,

That I care for,

You push them away,

Like yesterdays garbage,

Mom you did this to me!! Why!?

Who am I to you!? Nobody!?

Don't get me wrong,

I love you more than I could ever love myself,

But you are slowly tearing me apart,

I'm dying and it?s all because of you!!

Mom please help me,

Mom I need you,

But I need you to be my mom,

You hear me my mom!

Please for me mom,

I love you please love me too.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this in 1997.. i read it finally to her yesterday September 23, 2003.. I love you momma.. please stop

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