The Cure


I called you

dial tone

not getting through

I mauled you

broken bone

my shattered muse

Could I write

the ending

I'd write it tonight

But you're white

and you're blank

Don't hold back now

be frank

Accuse me

of a kind of abuse

flippant philandering

and tying the noose

But could it hurt

and could it bleed


this horrid need

I cannot feel

I cannot breathe

I do not care

what you agreed

I'm down on my knees

but I cannot crawl

you've sewn up my mouth

like a porcelain doll

And I want you to

shatter me

brain matter and all

Make me feel alive

Make me take the fall

Make me guilty

Make me sexy

Filthy and all

Cut me cure me

this woman doll

You won't so I do

in the mirror

it's all true

I rip hair

I rip skin

I look in

and guess who?

No more breath

Death is true

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