two sides of a coin

people seem to blame each other without blaming both sides. in reality we have two parties that are two sides of the same coin. democans or republicrates their all full of crap!!!

they can cut this, they will tax that, they will point fingers, scream and hauler but this wont create a strong dollar.

they play on emotions to split us into these parties. other then abortion, who gets taxed and gun rights these parties are the same. it seems for corporate boobs we cast our vote. its time we realize these guys are in the same boat!!!

you see when we made are products here our dollar got stronger. now we can only buy things from another nation. and all they can tell us about is a thing called inflation.


inflation's not real. the drop in the value of our dollar is. mass production, better farming techniques means things should get cheaper. but if its not done here our dollar gets weaker!!!


both these parties cut the taxes on products coming in. and they don't collect business or income taxes on the jobs they let outsource. their hands are deep in the corporate pocket. we must realize this if we aim to stop it!!!

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