Depression Mirror

Depression is my prescription for getting out the shower,
The mirror can open wide,
The water can fall down an imaginary slide.

And I still won’t know how to get by if I haven’t yet died.

Everybody thinks that we all will die when the day come,
When the sun won’t come to a rise,

Guy’s dating guys, girls dating girls, I look around and I see that the end is near. I do see that there is fear but it is not me who spreading everybody knees to touch the ground and execute a bow.

This mirror is so still like Japanese steel,
like stem cell.

It is preventing to make more room for cell who awaits in hell.

His cells are not that perfect if I do not drip a drop of blood.

This razor is steel, my mind is on a steal, I am cowering in fear for the past.

This is my last shower after I take this pill to cure this ill.

I am being prescribed to be depressed for 20 for 20 days.

Take 1 razor by mouth for 20 emotions for 20 days.

To get the full effects make sure to drink plenty of water and smoke weed.

Depression mirror

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