Two Such Ones

If two can be as one unite,
held so there by unpardonable light,
why must there be parting of two such ones?
of darkness unending, of unspoken shame.
Theirs was a joy of things yet to come,
but darkness appeared, casting them apart.

Hers was a broken way, of sorrows past
of broken dreams, of shallow thoughts.
But her sorrows faded, away as glass,
when his eyes there held, her sight at last.

His was a way, a way of strength,
of forgiving life, of peace unending,
for in his arms, joy was found,
and in his eyes, drowning in love,
he held her gaze, forever present.

Theirs was a love, a love that ceased
for broken dreams, and shallow thoughts,
were more to bear, than love he brought
and in her arms, never more,
would he dream that love would grow.

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