Piggy Bank

Improv 2002

I’ve got myself a piggy bank.

It’s pink and doesn’t oink.

It can’t fun or play in the mud,

but I think you get the point.


It’s made of ceramic and sits on my shelf,

I never take it down.

Unless I’m cleaning the couch,

and fill it with change I’ve found.


I think it’s getting full now.

I can see the coins through the slot.

I might have enough to buy a new toy.

Gee golly that’s a lot!


I think I’d rather save my money,

and put it in the real bank.

But I’ll have to keep emptying and filling,

my little piggy bank.


Maybe I’ll save enough money,

to buy a super power.

But I’d rather buy my sissy a blankie,

and my mommy a pretty flower.


With each new coin that I put in,

I hear a really cool clank.

And I can’t wait to find more change,

to put in my piggy bank.

~*~ Jill ~*~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this on 8-16-02. It's my 200th improv. I felt like acting like a kid. LOL :-D

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