Strangers In The Mist

Improv 2002

Humid air clinging to my skin,

like dew drops at morning’s start.

All alone walking,

just walking…

in the mist of a barren jungle.

Trees so green,

and vines long as miles,

surround me.

I see a figure in the distance.

The figure of a man.

His silhouette entraps me.

Although I don’t know this man,

I run into his embrace.

Both covered in beads of sweat,

he lures me closer.

I feel the passion in his kiss,

and the sweetness of his lips.

I indulge in him.

We made love in the mist,

just strangers him and I.

We fall asleep in each other’s arms.

In morning’s welcoming light,

I awake and he’s gone,

but in my memory he’ll always be.

This stranger,

this man,

we shared love,

in the mist.

~*~ Jill ~*~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this on 7-17-02. It's my 180th improv.

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