Inside My Head

July 2002 Poetry

Inside my head,

are so many thoughts,

of things you said,

and times we’ve fought.


These thoughts haunt me.

They never go away,

and I know you don’t care or see,

but maybe you will someday.


I’ll never amount to anything.

Everything I do is wrong.

To you depression is all I bring.

I made you weak when you were strong.


These are things you said to me,

and now are stuck inside my head.

Without love my heart is empty,

as I cry inside my bed.


Every time I think a happy thought,

I twist it all around.

Your care and love I once sought,

and realized it cannot be found.


But one thing that I did realize,

is that it’s really not my fault.

I can dry the teardrops from my eyes,

and bring these bad thoughts to a halt.


I’m changing what’s inside my head,

slowly thinking of what I could be.

Forgetting all the things you said,

and becoming what you’ll never be....


~*~ Jill ~*~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this on 7-7-02.

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