Beauty Fades, Yet Returns

The sonorous melody of a songbird,

wakes me from my morning slumber,

among the oceans of blue rippled waters.

Seagulls soar high above.

Sun light shines upon the shores.

All appears beautiful.


But among all that’s beautiful,

there is always an unsung songbird,

a meadow lark lost on the shores.

With sleepless slumbers,

I stare at the stars above,

lying next to the calm waters.


At times a storm rages in these waters,

and erases all that is beautiful,

no longer shining from above.

Silence swallows the songbird,

into a deep slumber.

Barren are the shores.


The once serendipitous shores,

are now merely empty waters.

Waves ceased to a slumber,

no longer holding its beauty,

that flew away with the songbird,

so high above.


High as ethereal Angels above,

or low as the empty shores.

There are traces of the songbird,

and the fellow waters.

Slowly returning to be beautiful,

and waking from its slumber.


A once thought everlasting slumber,

fallen from above,

is oh so beautiful,

on these shores.

Watching the waters,

and listening to the once again sonorous songbird.


Resting on the broken wings of a songbird above,

the slumber is washed from the shores,

swept into the waters, subsequently beautiful.

~*~ Jill ~*~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this on 2-9-02. I wanted to try and write a new type of poetry and this one is called a Sestina.

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