
When a loved one is lost,

whether it be your own

or someone else’s.

You realize just how much,

other people mean to you.

A simple thought,

that the one you love,

could be gone tomorrow,

makes you appreciate them more than ever.

Not long ago,

someone we both knew,

lost someone dear to them.

And it made us both realize,

how much we love each other,

how precious life really is,

and opened our eyes,

to see what we really have.

A strong love,

that over powers the miles between us.

Death is a very sad thing,

and although I didn’t know,

the person who has passed.

It saddens me.

But we must realize,

that we haven’t really lost anyone,

but gained an Angel.

~*~ Jill ~*~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this on 2-4-02.

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