
2001 Poetry

Have you ever felt

like a piece of you is missing inside.

Like a part of you,

decided to just hide.

That's how I feel now,

like a part of me is missing,

and it's my heart.

Ever since you left,

I've felt empty inside.

Cause when I was with you,

it was like a puzzle,

and all the pieces,

seemed to fit together.

But now the puzzle is distorted,

with missing pieces,

and faded colors.

I don't think I'll ever find,

those missing pieces to my heart.

To find them,

I would have to find you.

Cause only you hold,

the missing pieces to my heart.

~*~ Jill ~*~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this on 3-9-01. At the time I was very heart broken and didn't think I would ever be the same again.

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